Glasgow A Go Go!

AFTER a good start to my spring signing tour with WHSmith in Stirling last week it’s on to Glasgow on Saturday with a signing at the retailer’s Argyle Street store.

I always look forward to signings in Glasgow mainly because often at some stage in proceedings I meet a face from my former career as a Glasgow cop and that can be a good thing or a bad thing!

In Dundee four years back I had the ‘pleasure’ of signing a book for a customer who then revealed to me that he was a convicted armed robber and our conversation became somewhat full and frank although all ended amicably…I am delighted to say!

I have been touring with WHSmith for around seven years, minus the two years of the COVID shutdown, and so far the faces from my past in Glasgow have all been friendly, so fingers crossed it stays that way at Argyle Street on Saturday when we kick-off at 11am.

One thing is for sure I will be heading to old Glasgow town a bit more relaxed about proceedings than I was ahead of my first signing of the tour at the Thistles Centre last week.

It was a concern of mine how people would react to being engaged by me from behind my signing table, at which I am pictured below, yet whether they were in masks or indeed unmasked everyone was very friendly, although I must have gone through half a container of hand sanitiser over the course of the signing!

Stirling Montage!

I also wanted to say a big thank you to Patricia Forsyth, the ‘Voice of Scotland’ for UKCBC Facebook group who took the time to come along and meet me at Stirling last weekend and also has been very supportive via the group’s fb page in highlighting my tour. This kind lady’s help is much appreciated.

But with 38 copies of my previous titles sold and 45 editions of the excellent three-chapter taster booklet of my forthcoming book in the DS Thoroughgood series: The Hammer (pictured below), which has been brilliantly produced by my publishers Matthew James Publishing, handed out it, was a very good start to the tour.

Hammer Time!

This Saturday’s signing won’t be the only place I am likely to bump into a familiar face! As I’m pleased to say I’m meeting up with an old ‘neebs’ who was the role model for Thoroughgood’s sidekick DC Kenny Hardie along with some other amigos for a post signing shandy and curry in Glasgow’s West End later on.

Anyway if you are at a loose end this Saturday May 14 then feel free to drop in at WHSmith Argyle Street between 11am and 3pm and I will make sure you are rewarded with a free copy of ‘The Hammer’ taster booklet.

Which of course I can guarantee will mean you will be back in Autumn for the real thing when the novel itself is published!




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